Friday, October 28, 2011

After the death of Gaddafi: Revolution and counterrevolution in Libya

In Defence of Marxism
  Friday, 21 October 2011 About us     Contact us     Join us  

By Alan Woods

After the death of Gaddafi: Revolution and counterrevolution in LibyaThe capture and killing of Colonel Gaddafi has been described in detail by the mass media in all its gory details. With the death of Gaddafi and the taking of Sirte the National Transitional Council is talking about forming a transitional government. The NTC is recognized by the imperialist powers whose interests it represents. However, many ordinary Libyans look with justified mistrust at the NTC and their imperialist backers.

By Jorge Martin

201110-Libyan-Waha-oil-workers-demo-thWorkers at Waha Oil company have been on strike and holding protests for 7 weeks now. Their main demand is the purge of the top management of the company from directors whom they accuse of being stooges of the old regime. It is an example of class issues coming to the fore once the old regime has been put to one side.


By Μαρξιστική Φωνή

Η σημερινή δεύτερη ημέρα της μεγαλειώδους 48ωρης γενικής απεργίας, σημαδεύτηκε από την ύπαρξη του πρώτου νεκρού, του 53χρονου αγωνιστή οικοδόμου Δημήτρη Κοτσαρίδη, που έχασε τη ζωή του σαν αποτέλεσμα της ρίψης ασφυξιογόνων από την καθιερωμένη πια αστυνομική επιχείρηση χημικού πολέμου ενάντια στους διαδηλωτές, στο φόντο της εφαρμογής ενός ύπουλου σχεδίου κρατικής καταστολής της απεργιακής συγκέντρωσης με τη συνεργασία χούλιγκανς και προβοκατόρων.

By Redazione di Marxistiki Foni

Il primo giorno dello sciopero generale di 48 ore è stato sensazionale. Oltre ai lavoratori del settore  pubblico che hanno partecipato massicciamente allo sciopero, centinaia di migliaia di lavoratori del settore privato hanno scioperato per la prima volta. Decine e decine di migliaia di commercianti  hanno abbassato le serrande dei loro negozi in solidarietà.

By Marxistiki Foni

I dag, 19. oktober, den første dag i den 48 timer lange generalstrejke i Grækenland, var sensationel. Udover de offentligt ansatte, der deltog massivt i strejken, gik hundredetusinder arbejdere fra den private sektor for første gang med i strejken, og strejken fik følgeskab af titusinder af små erhvervsdrivende og butiksindehavere, der lukkede skodderne til deres butikker i solidaritet.

By Stamatis Karagiannopoulos

Situationen i Grækenland bliver mere og mere revolutionærs for hver dag, der går. Landet er blevet paralyseret af en strejkebølge centreret i den offentlige sektor og de statsejede virksomheder, der er arbejdernes svar i deres forsøg på at afværge disse monstrøse angreb fra regeringen. Denne strejkebølge blev foregrebet af massebevægelsen med besættelser af universiteterne og skolerne i september, der endnu engang beviste, at ungdommen er et følsomt barometer for klassekampen.

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Afghan leftist , international revolutionary. Trained many revolutionaries from 1978 to 1992 in the art of armed insurrection. Hizb e Parcham All we know is that Marx was right. A graduate of USSR Intelligence school at Tashkent and Kiev. Originally a Baloch from Farah province in Afghanistan and now settled in Quetta Pakistan.

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The Relevance of Marxism Today

In Defence of Marxism
  Thursday, 20 October 2011 About us     Contact us     Join us  

By Alan Woods and Ted Grant in 1994

As the crisis of world capitalism becomes ever more severe we would suggest reading this article written in 1994. It explains all the factors that have led to the present crisis, and although the temporary and unprecedented credit bubble allowed the system to avoid a serious recession for an extended period of time, eventually all the factors explained in this article have come to the surface.

By Marxistiki Foni

Greece October 19-20: After earth-shattering general strike –what next? - photo: odysseasgrToday (October 19), the first day of the 48-hour general strike in Greece was sensational. Apart from the government and public utilities workers that participated in the strike massively, hundreds of thousands of workers from the private sector came out on strike for the first time, and also joining the millions of striking workers were tens of thousands of small businesspeople and shopkeepers who closed the shutters to their shops in solidarity.

By Lal Khan

The duplicity, turmoil and empty facade which characterise present-day politics in Pakistan reflect the malaise that afflicts society and the mayhem within the state. But above all it is the wildly unravelling downward spiral of the economy that is devastating the whole system and society. Its ramifications are glaringly evident in the decline of art, culture, literature, social behaviour, human relations and the psychological distress that has made life miserable for the vast majority of the population.

By Marxistiki Foni

Hoy (19 de octubre), primer día de la huelga general de 48 horas en Grecia fue sensacional. Aparte de los trabajadores estatales y de los servicios públicos que participaron en la huelga de forma masiva, cientos de miles de trabajadores del sector privado se declararon en huelga por primera vez, y también se unieron a los millones de trabajadores en huelga decenas de miles de pequeños empresarios y comerciantes que cerraron las persianas de sus comercios en solidaridad.

By Stamatis Karagiannopoulos

La situación en Grecia se está volviendo más revolucionaria cada día que pasa. El país ha estado paralizado por una oleada de huelgas que se centró en el sector público y en empresas de propiedad estatal, y es la respuesta de los trabajadores en su intento de evitar el terrible ataque del gobierno. Esta oleada de huelgas fue anticipada por el movimiento de ocupación masiva de las universidades y escuelas en septiembre, lo que demostró una vez más que la juventud es un barómetro sensible de la lucha de clases.

By Roberto Sarti

El 15 de octubre Roma vio una de las mayores manifestaciones de los últimos años en Italia. Hasta medio millón de personas inundaron las calles de la capital. Esta no fue sólo una gran manifestación en términos del número de participantes, sino todavía más importante fue que se podían oír las consignas más radicales de la última década.

By Stamatis Karagiannopoulos

Publicamos a continuación este análisis de los compañeros griegos de Marxistiki Foni, efectuado hace dos semanas, para ayudar a comprender la situación bajo la cual se va a desenvolver la jornada de huelga general que ha comenzado, que probablemente se convertirá en una de 48 horas.

By Μαρξιστική Φωνή

Η σημερινή πρώτη μέρα της 48ωρης γενικής απεργίας ήταν συγκλονιστική. Πλάι στους εργαζόμενους του Δημοσίου τομέα και των ΔΕΚΟ που συμμετείχαν καθολικά στην απεργία, εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες εργαζόμενοι από τον ιδιωτικό τομέα απέργησαν για πρώτη φορά, ενώ μαζί με τα εκατομμύρια των απεργών συμπαρατάχθηκαν δεκάδες χιλιάδες μικροεπιχειρηματίες και μαγαζάτορες που κατέβασαν ρολά στις επιχειρήσεις τους.

By Rob Sewell

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Afghan leftist , international revolutionary. Trained many revolutionaries from 1978 to 1992 in the art of armed insurrection. Hizb e Parcham All we know is that Marx was right. A graduate of USSR Intelligence school at Tashkent and Kiev. Originally a Baloch from Farah province in Afghanistan and now settled in Quetta Pakistan.

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Crisis of the euro is a crisis of capitalism – the only way out is revolution By Fred Weston

In Defence of Marxism
  Friday, 28 October 2011 About us     Contact us     Join us  
By Fred Weston

EU economic crisis Latuff thTwo days ago Angela Merkel was warning that peace in Europe could be endangered if an agreement was not reached at the EU summit on how to manage the crisis that has engulfed the euro and the whole of the EU economy. Speaking to the German parliament she said, "No one should think that a further half century of peace and prosperity is assured. It isn't. And that's why I say if the euro fails, Europe will fail, and that mustn't happen." Some of the more serious strategists of capital have even raised the prospect that the euro could break up. The 27 EU leaders on Wednesday night, however, finally produced a three part deal.

By Lal Khan

At the funeral of Crown Prince Sultan we had the spectacle not only of the Saudi monarchs but most of the rulers who had flown in to attend the ceremony. Fear of the mass revolt that has been raging in the region was palpable at the gathering.

By In Defence of Marxism

On top of the €30,000 that were raised this year for the IMT and In Defence of Marxism at the World School, we've raised another €628 from the website. We'd like to thank those who have contributed to the collection.

By El Militante (Argentina)

Las elecciones presidenciales del 23 de octubre representan un resonante triunfo popular. Cristina Fernández consiguió la mayor cantidad de votos obtenida por ningún otro presidente, más de 11,6 millones de sufragios, con un porcentaje de apoyo del 54%, sólo superado por figuras de la talla histórica de Perón e Yrigoyen. En segundo lugar quedó el candidato del Frente Amplio Progresista, Hermes Binner, que sacó el 16,9%, a una distancia de 37 puntos que no tiene precedentes en la historia electoral argentina.

By Marxistiki Foni

By Marxistiki Foni

Urdu translation of Greece: Situation becoming revolutionary (17 October 2011).

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Afghan leftist , international revolutionary. Trained many revolutionaries from 1978 to 1992 in the art of armed insurrection. Hizb e Parcham All we know is that Marx was right. A graduate of USSR Intelligence school at Tashkent and Kiev. Originally a Baloch from Farah province in Afghanistan and now settled in Quetta Pakistan.

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Al-Saud: A despotic monarchy in decay By Lal Khan

In Defence of Marxism
  Friday, 28 October 2011 About us     Contact us     Join us  
By Fred Weston

EU economic crisis Latuff thTwo days ago Angela Merkel was warning that peace in Europe could be endangered if an agreement was not reached at the EU summit on how to manage the crisis that has engulfed the euro and the whole of the EU economy. Speaking to the German parliament she said, "No one should think that a further half century of peace and prosperity is assured. It isn't. And that's why I say if the euro fails, Europe will fail, and that mustn't happen." Some of the more serious strategists of capital have even raised the prospect that the euro could break up. The 27 EU leaders on Wednesday night, however, finally produced a three part deal.

By Lal Khan

At the funeral of Crown Prince Sultan we had the spectacle not only of the Saudi monarchs but most of the rulers who had flown in to attend the ceremony. Fear of the mass revolt that has been raging in the region was palpable at the gathering.

By In Defence of Marxism

On top of the €30,000 that were raised this year for the IMT and In Defence of Marxism at the World School, we've raised another €628 from the website. We'd like to thank those who have contributed to the collection.

By El Militante (Argentina)

Las elecciones presidenciales del 23 de octubre representan un resonante triunfo popular. Cristina Fernández consiguió la mayor cantidad de votos obtenida por ningún otro presidente, más de 11,6 millones de sufragios, con un porcentaje de apoyo del 54%, sólo superado por figuras de la talla histórica de Perón e Yrigoyen. En segundo lugar quedó el candidato del Frente Amplio Progresista, Hermes Binner, que sacó el 16,9%, a una distancia de 37 puntos que no tiene precedentes en la historia electoral argentina.

By Marxistiki Foni

By Marxistiki Foni

Urdu translation of Greece: Situation becoming revolutionary (17 October 2011).

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Afghan leftist , international revolutionary. Trained many revolutionaries from 1978 to 1992 in the art of armed insurrection. Hizb e Parcham All we know is that Marx was right. A graduate of USSR Intelligence school at Tashkent and Kiev. Originally a Baloch from Farah province in Afghanistan and now settled in Quetta Pakistan.

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USA: Workers International League at Occupy Boston

In Defence of Marxism
  Wednesday, 26 October 2011 About us     Contact us     Join us  

By Ali Nooshini

South Africa: Support the March for Economic Freedom. Photo: Gary van der MerweOn September 10th during the celebration of the ANC Youth League's 67th anniversary in Alexandra, ANCYL president Julius Malema declared "economic war" against the rich minority and made a call for a "March for Economic Freedom" to be held on Thursday and Friday, October 26-27th. "The day has come" he said "and on O.R. Tambo's birthday, we are going to march to the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and take the battle to the monopoly capital."

By Vonk - Belgium

Belgium and the Netherlands: Enthusing Flemish/Dutch tour of Alan WoodsAlan Woods, last week, officially launched the Dutch edition of Reason in Revolt in Belgium (Brussels and Antwerp) and in the Netherlands (Amsterdam). Those who participated in the meetings were unanimous in agreeing that the discussion on the book widened the horizons of their thinking.

By Socialist Appeal - USA

USA: Workers International League at Occupy BostonA five minute interview with a Boston comrade of the Workers' International League (WIL) participating in the Occupy Boston movement who explains what the WIL stands for.

By Alan Woods

La captura y asesinato del coronel Gadafi ha sido descrita profusamente por los medios de comunicación en todos sus detalles sangrientos. Con la muerte de Gadafi y la toma de Sirte el Consejo Nacional de Transición está hablando de la formación de un gobierno de transición. El CNT es reconocido por las potencias imperialistas cuyos intereses representa. Sin embargo, muchos libios de a pie miran con desconfianza justificada al CNT y a sus amos imperialistas.

By Lucha de Clases / CMI Bolívar

El día 15 de mayo de 2010, Elio Sayago, un activista revolucionario de larga trayectoría, fue nombrado trabajador-presidente de CVG Alcasa por Chávez, con la orden explícita de implementar el Control Obrero y el Plan Guayana Socialista. Como relata el camarada en esta entrevista, su gestión ha sido víctima de toda una serie de trampas burocráticas, desde un secuestro violento de los portones de la empresa hasta maniobras para sacarlo indebidamente de su cargo.  

By Alan Woods

A morte de Kadhafi e o colapso final de seu regime fecham um capítulo. No entanto, tal fato apenas representa um ponto de virada na situação. Agora que o velho regime finalmente se foi, abre-se a luta sobre o futuro da Líbia.

By redactie van Vonk

Alan Woods lanceerde verleden week officieel de Nederlandstalige uitgave van 'De Rede in opstand' in België (Brussel en Antwerpen) en in Nederland (Amsterdam). De deelnemers aan de boekvoorstellingen ware unaniem: de discussies over het boek hebben de horizon van hun denken verbreed. Een boek over marxistische filosofie publiceren midden in de grootste crisis van het kapitalisme kan vreemd lijken.

By redactie van Vonk

Begin oktober verschijnt dit boek van Alan Woods en Ted Grant voor de eerste keer in het Nederlands. We brengen het uit met een nieuw voorwoord. Het werd voor het eerst gepubliceerd in 1995 naar aanleiding van de 100ste verjaardag van het overlijden van Frederik Engels.

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Afghan leftist , international revolutionary. Trained many revolutionaries from 1978 to 1992 in the art of armed insurrection. Hizb e Parcham All we know is that Marx was right. A graduate of USSR Intelligence school at Tashkent and Kiev. Originally a Baloch from Farah province in Afghanistan and now settled in Quetta Pakistan.

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USA: “We Are the 99%” --By John Peterson in the USA

In Defence of Marxism
  Tuesday, 25 October 2011 About us     Contact us     Join us  

By John Peterson in the USA

USA: The mainstream media has made much ado about the fact that #OccupyWallStreet does not have a unified, cohesive message. In trying to belittle it, they smugly point out that the occupy movement is an amorphous and heterogeneous mix of people. Every shade of political opinion and ideology is present: Makhno anarchists and Ron Paul libertarians; Trotskyist socialists and New Age neo-hippies; Anonymous and Zeitgeist; atheists and hard core believers; the homeless and those who have quit their jobs to become full time protesters against unemployment.

By Fightback - Ireland

The Greek working class has moved decisively into action. The last few days in Greece have demonstrated that faced with an approaching economic calamity the workers are prepared to fight to defend their living standards and their jobs also. However, the bankers and the various competing European powers have no option but to fight for their own interests and will fight to the last gasp. The scene is set for further conflict in the euro zone between the increasingly divergent interests of the European states and between the classes in each of the European countries.

By our correspondent in Kashmir

Kashmir JKNSF Convention: Revolution until Victory!The 18th "Permanent Revolution Convention" of the Jammu Kashmir National Students Federation is being held on 28th October in Rawalpindi. A rally will be held on Murree Road in Rawalpindi at 2 p.m. against unemployment, price hikes and privatizations. Later an education session for young students will be held at 4 p.m. After that new cabinet of the JKNSF will be elected.

By El Militante - Bolivia

El pasado domingo 16 de octubre los bolivianos fuimos llamados por primera vez a elegir directamente los jueces del Órgano Judicial y del Tribunal Constitucional. Los comicios se habían politizado hasta el extremo de convertirse en un plebiscito sobre el gobierno, en que la derecha llamaba simplemente a anular el voto. Aunque los datos oficiales sean todavía escasos, es evidente que votos nulos y blancos han triunfado, particularmente en las áreas urbanas y a nivel nacional. A 8 años del Octubre de 2003, este representa el primer revés electoral para el gobierno.

By Jorge Martín

O caráter de massas do movimento mostrou que ele conseguiu canalizar a revolta existente nas camadas populares contra o sistema capitalista...mas a Esquerda Unida ainda é pequena para influir decididamente nas lutas. Um balanço do 15 de outubro.

By Marxistiki Foni

Ceci est la traduction d'une déclaration de nos camarades grecs de Marxistiki Foni, publiée le 19 octobre, jour de grève générale.

By Redaktionen Marxistiki Foni

I torsdags i Athen under arbejdernes masseprotester så vi staten samarbejde med hooligans og provokatører imod arbejderbevægelsen. Nu er der brug for en politisk generalstrejke! Her bringer vi en udtalelse fra de græske marxister i Marxistiki Foni.

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Afghan leftist , international revolutionary. Trained many revolutionaries from 1978 to 1992 in the art of armed insurrection. Hizb e Parcham All we know is that Marx was right. A graduate of USSR Intelligence school at Tashkent and Kiev. Originally a Baloch from Farah province in Afghanistan and now settled in Quetta Pakistan.

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On Blogger Since December 2009
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Urgent Appeal Case: AHRC-UAC-226-2011

28 October 2011
PAKISTAN: A case of male lust and woman's treatment as sexual commodity--a teenage girl was gang raped for one year by army and police officials

ISSUES: Rape, illegal detention, child rights, torture, gender biased violence, miscarriage of justice, impunity

Dear friends,

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a teenage girl was repeatedly raped by several persons in the captivity of army and police officials for almost one year. She was arrested by the police officers in the presence of an army officer and remained missing since then. She is now six months pregnant. When the girl was sold by the perpetrator she managed to escape from those who were holding her captive at that time. She was able to call her brother and managed to reunite with her family.

The provincial police did not act in accordance with their sworn duty for the recovery of the girl during her entire period of captivity. Similarly the courts did nothing to assist and the perpetrators were granted bail by the High Court. A high-level inquiry committee of the provincial government has recommended the arrest of police officials but to-date neither the police officers nor the army personnel have been arrested.

Her case exposes the weaknesses of the rule of law, justice system, the collusion of forces of law and order with the powerful element of the society, the fact that Pakistan is a male dominant society and the status of poor women as a sexual commodity before the affluent members of society.


(The information was received from SPARK, UN Women-KP/FATA, CRSD and Provincial Commission on the Status of Women Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province and Daily TheNews.)

A 16 year old girl, Miss Uzma Ayub, the daughter of Mohammad Ayub, a daily wage earner, resident of Marwataan Banda, Tehsil Tkht-e-Nasrati of Karak district, Khyber Pakhtoon Kha province, was abducted from her house in early October 2010 when police along with an army man raided her house in the search of her brother who was wanted by the police in a theft case.

After her escape from the captivity (on September 19, 2011), Uzma states before the media that she was dragged by the hair into a waiting car, handed over her family's enemies who took her away to an unknown place and locked her in a room. At night several men came into the room, including Dr. Iqbal who gave her an injection and she fell unconscious. She thinks she was shifted two times and every time before the shifting, Dr. Iqbal would give her an injection to make her unconscious. She was sexually assaulted by several men, including Naseeb Ullah, an army officer, Sardar Ali, Shakeel, Guley, Karim, Qamar Ali, Hakim Khan, a police officer, and Alam Ustad during her incarceration. ''These people kept me at their house, where Mst Guleena and Shakeel came and spent some time with me. Then came Dr Iqbal in the room. He administered me an injection and I fell unconscious. When I regained my senses, I noticed that I had been shifted to another location. I did not know anybody there. After some time, Qamar Ali alias Guley and Karim visited me.''

In the statement she alleged: ''In that house Naseebullah, a brother of Guley, visited me and forced me to marry him. Same night Naseeb Ullah's son visited me and raped me. Qamar Ali Khan, Karim and Alam also raped me. Two police officials, one named Hakim, used to frequently visit me to satisfy their lust. I don't know the name of the other cop but can recognise him if he is produced before me.''

The wronged girl said: "All the people mentioned are involved in my abduction and molestation. I charged these persons with ruining my life and making me pregnant. In the house when I was drugged and raped second time, the people over there told me that I had been sold to them and they were taking me to Dera Ismail Khan and when they stopped at Bannu, I escaped from their captivity." This proved Uzma's salvation as she got out and ran into a nearby shop. She managed to get to a Public Call Office and telephoned her eldest brother, Alam Zeb who advised her to reach the Bannu bypass. Uzma had Rs.300/- tied in her 'Narha', a common practice in the rural areas and she was thus able to telephone her brother and take a taxi to reach her brother. Alam Zeb was able to find her.

He took her straight to the Tehsil Court, Takte Nasrati. The enemies tried to obstruct their entry by appearing in a number of vehicles but they managed to make their statement before their arrival. The Judge telephoned the Crimes Investigation Branch and Uzma and her family went to Peshawar to have her statement recorded. In her statement she accused police personnel SHO Mohsin Ali, ASI Hakeem Khan, Amir Ali and Naseeb Ullah, the army officer, of sexually abusing her. In all, she named 13 persons as involved in her abduction and rape.

The victim told the provincial high court that she was pregnant. A lady doctor Zakia conducted the medical examination of the girl and declared that she was six months pregnant.

It must also be acknowledged that in the cases of rape and abduction of women the attitudes of the courts is not sympathetic. Before her escape on September 19, 2011 the case of her abduction, on the complaint of her mother was under process but the courts were unable to recover her. In the month of April 2011 the Chief Justice of Peshawar High Court took the case and converted it into a writ petition but it has never been reached to provide justice to the victim in her recovery. The victim's family has to face the dates of the hearing and observe the court's impotency before the police and administration. It can be observed by the proceedings of the court that it ended without any conclusion. The alleged perpetrators were arrested but were immediately released by the court on the grounds that girl was not recovered.

On April 5, 2011, a two-member bench comprising Justice Dost Muhammad Khan and Justice Yahya Afridi had directed the district police officer to trace the kidnapped girl when the girl's mother had alleged that her daughter, then a student of 9th grade, had been kidnapped by police officials including SHO Pir Mohsin Shah, Sub-Inspector Hakeem Khan and Amir Muhammad during an illegal raid on her house. She had sent an application to Chief Justice of the PHC Ejaz Afzal Khan who had later converted it into a writ petition. The Karak DPO, Sajid Khan Mohmand, appeared before the court and contended that on the complaint of the female, the police had registered an FIR at the Takht-e-Nasrati Police Station in Karak. Police had raided several places but could not recover the girl. He had added that four persons earlier charged by the complainant had been granted bail by a local court. A brother of the alleged kidnapped girl, Alamzeb Khan, had told the court that the family had learnt that his sister had been taken to Quetta by an army man, Naseeb Ullah Khan. He stated that although the family had named him the local police did not arrest him. He had stated that the local police had also implicated him in different cases. The DPO had stated that the complainant had not charged the said person in the initial statement. The PHC chief justice on April 06, directed the Karak DPO to contact the station commander of the Pakistan Army in Quetta to search for the teenage girl who, according to her family members was being illegally held by a serving soldier after her alleged abduction by the local policemen. Alamzeb Khan, the brother of the kidnapped girl, informed the court that his family had received information from reliable sources that his sister was in illegal detention of the main accused Naseeb Ullah, who was an army man and currently serving in Quetta. The bench had directed the Karak DPO to record a supplementary statement of the girl's brother against Naseeb Ullah in the case. The bench also directed him to send a senior police officer to Quetta to discuss the girl's abduction with the station commander, seek her recovery and pursue abduction charges against the soldier. He later fixed April 21 for the next hearing into the case.

The April 21 was fixed by the court but no further proceedings in regard to her recovery or arrest of army officer were seen.

The Provincial Commission on the Status of Women, Khyber PakhtunKha, issued a fact finding report which was complied by a team of different rights organizations including, Child Welfare and Protection Commission, Shirkat Gah, Blue Veins, Khwendo Kor,CRSD and SPARC. The report says that the story has many threads to it and like a fiction story is a case of family quarrels, exploitation of the poor and weak by the better off among the relatives, male lust, the collusion of the forces of law and order with the stronger element of the society. The forces of law and order have not only turned a blind eye to the tragedy of a family and the ruination of the life of an innocent life but have been openly and actively complicit in it. The girl was a victim of the most heinous form of abuse and violence and her family suffered untold pain and suffering.

The government of Khyber Pakhtunkha has formed a high level committee under the provincial home secretary after the revelation of victim's statement and media's vast coverage to probe in to the case. The committee recommended for the arrest of the police officials and conducting DNA test of the victim and the accused persons.


Uzma Ayub is the only daughter of Ayub Khan of Takhte Nasrati, a one-time sepoy in the Pakistan Army. She has six brothers and both parents are alive and witness to the tragedy of the ruined life of their only young daughter. According to her brother she was born in 1994 and at the time of her abduction she was a student of 9th Class. The family is of modest background and meager means of livelihood. They have relatives of stronger social and economic backgrounds, including a doctor and a teacher.

In the case of her abduction and repeated rape during the period of one year there were three main persons who used the influence and power of army and police. One is Dr. Iqbal whose son was abducted and killed, second is army man Naseeb Ullah, who wanted to marry with the victim when she was 13 year old and third one is police officer, ASI Hakeem Khan of Kark, who was notorious in his area where people are scared of cruelty of two persons, the Mangal Bagh of Tliban, and Hakeem Khan. In the area when ever powerful people want to take revenge from any body they take help from Hakeem.

In 2005, a young boy related to Dr. Iqbal was kidnapped and the family accused Uzma's brother, Alamzeb of the crime. Resultantly, Alamzeb spent 18 months in jail and was ultimately acquitted by the session Judge. The boy was killed by his kidnappers and his body was found in a field. 

In another thread in the story, the mother of perpetrator, Naseeb Ullah (a married man but issueless and serving in the Pakistan Army) asked for Uzma's hand in marriage to her son.

Uzma's mother, due to their weak position in the village, did not reject the proposal but responded that her daughter was young and studying and she wanted to wait before getting her married. She also stipulated that Naseeb Ullah should take his wife's consent to the second marriage. The wife refused to consent to his second marriage and conveyed this personally to the girl's mother.

Sometime later, Naseeb Ullah came to Alamzeb's house and in a show of camaraderie and no grudges held, invited Alam Zeb to a local musical concert, but on his unwillingness, he made another story and got him to come to his ''baithak'' where there were two other guests, one from the village of Hakeem Khan, ASI, named by Uzma as one of the rapists. Subsequently, he was accused of theft of one of the guest's mobile phones which was stated to cost Rs. 50,000.00. The person who was supposed to have had his mobile stolen insisted on getting the same mobile back. Alamzeb kept denying the theft. Alam zeb even responded that he would pay the money if the persons accusing him swore on the Holy Quran over their head that the mobile was stolen.

Another incident of framing Alamzeb was at a football game in the village. A group of people loyal to the family of Dr. Iqbal and apparently with his connivance disrupted the game and started shooting. The men set upon Alamzeb and beat him severely. He also received a bullet in his thigh. Alam Zeb was accused of firing and a case registered against him.

There was a case of the abduction of Principal of a local school and the local people held a rally against the police for his recovery. Hakeem Khan, the ASI, had some persons from the underworld inducted into the rally. The demonstrators were surprised to hear voices that instead of chanting anti-police slogans were in raised in support of the police.

Please write the letter to the authorities showing your concerns about the injustice done to a poor girl and her family by the courts, police and army and ruined her life. Please urge the authorities to arrest all the perpetrators and prosecute them rather providing impunity to them. Also urge the government to provide medical treatment to the gang rape victim and security to her family members.

The AHRC writes a separate letter to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Question of violence against women calling for his/her intervention into this matter.

To support this appeal, please click here: 


Dear ___________,

PAKISTAN: A case of male lust and woman's treatment as sexual commodity--a teenage girl was gang raped for one year by army and police officials

Name of victims:
1. Miss Uzma Ayub, daughter of Mohammad Ayub, a daily wage earner
2. Mr. Alam Zeb, son of Mohammad Ayub, a daily wage earner

Both are residents of Marwataan Banda, Tehsil Tkht-e-Nasrati of Karak district, Khyber Pakhtoon Kha province

Names of alleged perpetrators:
1. Mr. Naseeb Ullah, Amy officer, stationed at Quetta, Balochistan province, resident of Tehsil Takhte Nasrati, Karak district, Khyber Pakhtunkha province
2. Dr. Iqbal, resident of Tehsil Takhte Nasrati, Karak district, Khyber Pakhtunkha province
3. Mr. Sajid Khan Mohmand District Police Officer (DPO), district Karak, Khyber Pakhtun Kha province
4. Mr. Mohsin Ali, station house officer (SHO), Takhte Nasrati police station, Tehsil Takhte Nasrati, Karak district, Khyber Pakhtunkha province
5. Mr. Hakeem Khan, Assistant Sub Inspector, Takhte Nasrati police station, Tehsil Takhte Nasrati, Karak district, Khyber Pakhtunkha province
6. Mr. Amir, ASP, Takhte Nasrati police station, Tehsil Takhte Nasrati, Karak district, Khyber Pakhtunkha province
7. Mrs Guleena resident of Tehsil Takhte Nasrati, Karak district, Khyber Pakhtunkha province
8. Qamar Ali Khan, resident of Tehsil Takhte Nasrati, Karak district, Khyber Pakhtunkha province
9. Alam Sardar Ali, resident of Tehsil Takhte Nasrati, Karak district, Khyber Pakhtunkha province
10. Shakeel, Guley, resident of Tehsil Takhte Nasrati, Karak district, Khyber Pakhtunkha province
11. Karim Qamar Ali, resident of Tehsil Takhte Nasrati, Karak district, Khyber Pakhtunkha province
12. Alam Ustad, resident of Tehsil Takhte Nasrati, Karak district, Khyber Pakhtunkha province
13. Shakeel, resident of Tehsil Takhte Nasrati, Karak district, Khyber Pakhtunkha province

Date of incident: October 2010
Place of incident: Tehsil Takhte Nasrati, Karak district, Khyber Pakhtunkha province

I am writing to voice my deep concern regarding a teenage girl who was repeatedly raped by several persons in the captivity of army and police officials for almost one year. The victim, Miss Uzma Ayub, was a resident of Marwataan Banda, Tehsil Tkht-e-Nasrati of Karak district, Khyber Pakhtoon Kha province.

I am shocked to know that army and police officials kept them for one year in their captivity and authorities were failed to recover her until she came on surface after escape from the illegal detention on 19 September 2011.

This was a very shameful act of the government and authorities including the police, armed forces and the judiciary who abandoned a teen age girl to the mercy of her abductors and rapists. It can be stated clearly that the government is responsible for the destruction of her life.

I learned that Uzma was abducted when police, along with one army officer, Naseeb Ullah, raided her house in search of his brother in a theft case in early October 2010. She was dragged by the hair into a waiting car, handed over her family's enemies who took her away to an unknown place and locked her in a room. At night several men came into the room, including Dr. Iqbal who gave her an injection and she fell unconscious. She thinks she was shifted two times and every time before the shifting, Dr. Iqbal would give her an injection to make her unconscious. She was sexually assaulted by several men, including Naseeb Ullah, Sardar Ali, Shakeel, Guley, Karim, Qamar Ali, Hakim Khan and Alam Ustad during her incarceration. The last time she was in the custody of two turbaned persons who she suspects of having been sold to. She tried to get their confidence by telling them that she would not escape. One day, they came and informed her that they were taking her to D.I. Khan where she would reside permanently. They got her into a car and on the way they stopped in Bannu for some reason and got out of the car and went away. This proved Uzma's salvation as she got out and ran into a nearby shop. She managed to get to a Public Call Office and telephoned Alamzeb who advised her to reach the Bannu bypass. Uzma had Rs.300/- tied in her 'Narha', a common practice in the rural areas and she was thus able to telephone her brother and take a taxi to reach her brother. Alam zeb was able to find her.

Alamzeb took her straight to the Tehsil Court, Takte Nasrati. The enemies tried to obstruct their entry by appearing in a number of vehicles but they managed to make their statement before their arrival. The Judge telephoned the Crimes Investigation Branch and Uzma and family went to Peshawar to have her statement recorded. In her statement she accused Police personnel SHO Mohsin Ali, ASI Hakeem Khan and Amir Ali of sexually abusing her. In all, she named 13 persons as involved in her abduction and rape.

To my surprise the army has not taken any action against Naseeb Ullah, who is still serving in the military, after the Peshawar High Court in April 2011 ordered the station commander at Quetta to search for the girl and assure her safe recovery. But neither the police nor army took any action which means that the police and army institutions are complicit in such crimes.

I find it shocking that the role of the courts is no different from the police when the cases of violence against women and rapes come before them. The Peshawar High Court's different benches did not help in her recovery. Once the court ordered the police to arrest the perpetrators and after some days the court released them on bail on the grounds that girl was not recovered from them.

This is a sheer incompetence, negligence and a gender biased attitude on the part of the judiciary.

I am distressed to learn that her parents refused to marry her daughter with the army officer who wanted to make her as his second wife. The girl's age at that time was only 13 and perpetrator's age was 40, whereas his first wife had also refused him to grant permission for his second marriage.

The victim and her whole family are now under threat from the perpetrator and still they cannot find any protection from the authorities. They are in hiding and have stopped their children from attending school.

It is utterly shocking to realise that the perpetrators are so powerful that even after a committee, formed by the chief minister of Khyber Pukhtun kha for the investigation recommended that the perpetrators be arrested to date not a single person had been taken into custody.

I urge you to immediately arrest the perpetrators who are moving freely under the protection of police. They must be prosecuted for their heinous crimes. Furthermore, the police and judicial officers who turned a blind eye to the plight of this young girl must be dismissed from office. Also, the army must take action against an officer who participated in the prolonged abduction, rape and selling of this victim into sexual slavery. Protection and security must be provided to the victim and her family and the government should take responsibility for her medical treatment and provide compensation for her ordeal.

Yours sincerely,


1. Mr. Asif Ali Zardari
President of Pakistan
President's Secretariat
Tel: +92 51 9204801/9214171
Fax: +92 51 9207458

2. Mr. Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani
Prime Minister of Pakistan
Prime Minister House
Fax: + 92 51 9221596
E-mail: or

3. Federal Minister for Human Rights
Ministry of Human Rights
Old US Aid building
Ata Turk Avenue
G-5, Islamabad
Fax: +92 51 9204108

4. Mr. Amir Haider Khan Hoti
Chief Minister
Government of Khyber Pakhtunkha Province
Fax: +92 91 9210707

5. Mr. Basheer Ahmed Bilor
Senior minister
Government of Khyber Pakhtunkha Province
Fax: +92 91 921 2533

6. Dr. Faqir Hussain
Supreme Court of Pakistan
Constitution Avenue, Islamabad
Fax: + 92 51 9213452

Thank you.

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M.J. Akbar M.j. Akbar – Sat May 7, 10:06 pm ET
NEW YORK – Pakistan's Army Is ImpotentPakistan authorities couldn't find Osama bin Laden and they couldn't respond to the American assault on his compound. M.J. Akbar on why the military's independence is self-destructive.

The death of two birds with one stone is generally greeted with generous applause, notwithstanding the fact that the second casualty was an accident. What is useful in sport might be less fortuitous in other circumstances.
The four American helicopters which went for the final kill in the long hunt forOsama bin Laden achieved their primary purpose. 

The world is now busy sifting through the ruins of their second hit. For in the process they also crippled the credibility of Pakistan's most powerful institution, its Army, often described by its apologists as critical to national stability and even cohesion. All pretence and pretension is over; a fudge that the killing of Osama was some sort of "joint operation" was thin camouflage that has been torn apart by minimal public scrutiny. 

On Wednesday, Pakistan's information minister Firdous Ashiq Awan admitted in Parliament that American choppers had evaded detection by use of "map of the earth" flying techniques. If the Pak military did learn what was happening during the 40-odd minutes that ground operations took, there was too much uncertainty and confusion in its chain of command to fashion an adequate, or any, response. Stark fact: the Pakistan Army is impotent before America.
Only the impotent resort to bluster. The Pakistan military rather pompously "threatened" America with "dire consequences" if it dared to violate Pak sovereigntyagain. 

America sniffed, not in sorrow but disdain, and sent drones on Friday to hit targets in the Datta Khel area, killing 12 people, described naturally as "militants." Washington did not seek Islamabad's permission for renewed military action.
Less evident fact, but fact nevertheless: Pakistan's generals, who have controlled defence policy from the moment Ayub Khan became defence minister, whether through their own dictators or civilian politicians who took their dictation [except for the six Zulfiqar Bhutto years], have turned a national army into a mercenary force.

 Those who pay the piper determine the tune. Since Pakistan's generals have Urdu as their first language, they will not need an interpreter to understand Sahir Ludhianvi's evocative couplet: "Kaise bazaar ka dustoor tumhein samjhaaon, Bik gaya jo woh kharidaar nahin ho sakta [How shall I explain the logic of the bazaar? He who has been sold cannot become a buyer]".

The ISI must maintain distance and deniability when it nurtures assets it needs to use when its requirements are askance of American interests.

This is a variation, not particularly subtle, of the neo-colonial syndrome. Neo-colonization was honed and shaped by the British Raj on the Indian subcontinent through the princely states, so we have sufficient evidence from history. In essence, neo-colonization is the grant of independence on condition you do not exercise it. It is an exchange of security systems, where the superior power ensures the survival of an ally, while the ally protects the interests of the superpower in its region.
When, therefore, the Pakistan army feels the need for an alternative policy line which might be unacceptable to Washington, it is forced into double-talk and deception. The ISI must maintain distance and deniability when it nurtures assets it needs to use when its requirements are askance of American interests. This explains its relationship with outfits it has either spawned or fattened. That old codger Pervez Musharraf, whose most effective arsenal has always been stored within his vocal chords, has been trotted out to explain how Osama was living in luxury within smelling distance of the military. This is logical, since Osama made his home in Abbottabad when Musharraf was president. As attorney for the Army, however, Musharraf is hopeless; he thinks raising his voice, combined with a convenient memory, improves an argument. One story is too priceless to be ignored. Former Afghanistan intelligence chief A. Saleh recalls that when, four years ago, he told Musharraf that Osama was hiding in or around Abbottabad, Musharraf exploded, "Am I president of the Republic of Banana?"
The question is rhetorical. Dictators like Musharraf have turned Muhammad Ali Jinnah's Pakistan into a banana republic.
I wonder sometimes if Pak generals get more irritated by an Indian general's barb or an Afghan's taunt. Last Wednesday, General Zahir Azimi, spokesman for Kabul's defence ministry, publicly wondered: "If the Pakistani intelligence agency does not know about a home located 10 metres or 100 metres away from its national academy, where for the last six years the biggest terrorist is living, how can this country take care of its strategic weapons?" 

The whole of Pakistan, not just Kabul, is waiting for an adequate response.

The deterioration of the Pakistan army is not a consequence of financial corruption. That is a small part of the story. 

It is self-destructive because there is complete absence of accountability. No one, either a wing of government or Parliament, can question its will to do what it wants. In the name of patriotism, it has declared virtual independence from the rest of Pakistan. 

The consequences are there for all to see. Instead of being an impenetrable wall on the frontier, the Pak Army has become a porous bale of cotton.

You can only sleep comfortably wrapped in cotton; a nation's guardians need to keep their eyes open.

Well known Indian journalist M.J. Akbar is the Editor, The Sunday Guardian and Editor, India on Sunday in Britain, editor of Covert, a fortnightly magazine of current affairs, a blogger and the author of many books, most recently Blood Brothers.

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